Innvandring, utvandring og migrasjonskjeder

Artikler om innvandring og utvandring og om migrasjonskjeder

From the Cleng-Peerson-monument at the cemetary of «Our Savior’s Lutheran Church» in the Norse district, Bosque County, Texas. The monument was unveiled before Christmas 1886.

Who was Cleng Peerson, the father of Norwegian Emigration?

Just before Christmas in 1886 the Cleng Peerson monument was unveiled in the cemetery of “Our Savior’s Lutheran Church” at Norse in Bosque County, Texas. The monument was dedicated to “Cleng Peerson, the Father of Norwegian Emigration to America”. It had the following inscription in Norwegian and English: “Cleng Pierson, the Pioneer of Norse Emigration […]

Who was Cleng Peerson, the father of Norwegian Emigration? Read more...

The landscape they left, Byneset in Trøndelag in 2024, is still a green, rural landscape with privately owned small farms. There are no longer cotters' places on the farms, and there have been many mergers, creating more viable units.

Emigrants from Byneset, Trøndelag, ended up in Montana

Before the Civil War, emigrants from Norway usually crossed the Atlantic on board a Norwegian sailing ship from a Norwegian harbor to New York or Quebec. This mode of transportation changed radically in the 1870s. Trans-Atlantic steamship companies from British ports offered faster journeys. A steamship crossed the Atlantic in less than half the time

Emigrants from Byneset, Trøndelag, ended up in Montana

THe front page of the family history of the Voldseth family, who owns the original Grande ranch.

From the middle of Norway to Musselshell Valley, Montana

Two Grande brothers from Trondheim, the middle of Norway, in 1866 set out on a long and winding journey to the United States. They crossed fjords and oceans, followed rivers, roads and trails over plains, valleys and mountain ranges before they ended up in the grassy Musselshell Valley, Montana, in 1878. The journey was not

From the middle of Norway to Musselshell Valley, Montana Read more...

The replica of the sloop Restauration visiting Ramsvig old Trading Post for seafarers in the calm waters of the Sjernarøyene islands.

1825 – the beginning of organized emigration from Norway

Quakers in the town of Stavanger gave Cleng Peerson an assignment to travel to New York in 1821. They wanted him to explore the conditions for Norwegian immigrants. The assignment was fulfilled in 1825 with the first organized group of emigrants from Norway to the Americas. Cleng Peerson was born in Tysvær, Rogaland county, western

1825 – the beginning of organized emigration from Norway Read more...

From 2023: First priority Texas, Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan

In July 2025 it will be 200 years since the first organized group of Norwegian immigrants left the city of Stavanger, Norway. Cleng Peerson was their pathfinder in western New York in 1825, and in Fox River, Illinois, in 1833. His last 15 years in Texas have been a mystery. Most Norwegian immigrants settled in

From 2023: First priority Texas, Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan Read more...

Political map of the Prarie Provinces Alberta, Saskatchcewan and Manitoba. (c) 2000 Natural Resources Canada

Some patterns of Norwegian immigration to America and Canada

From the end of the American Civil War and until the economic bust in 1893, European immigrants chose to settle in the Midwest and the Northwestern parts of the United States. Even emigrants in Canada preferred the United States during those decades. At least 1.8 million Canadians moved south across the border into the United

Some patterns of Norwegian immigration to America and Canada Read more...

The harbor in New Orleans in 1850 far exceeded the size of any Norwegian harbor.

Reisen fra New Orleans til Four Mile Prairie

Brunstad-familien fra Romedal i Hedmark reiste sammen en større gruppe sambygdinger med dampskip fra New Orleans 3. juledag 1851. Da de kom fram til Alexandria, Louisiana, måtte de flytte over på et mindre dampskip på grunn av den lave vannstanden. Dette skipet brakte dem helt fram til Shreveport, hvor de var framme om formiddagen den

Reisen fra New Orleans til Four Mile Prairie

Norske emigranter til New Orleans og Texas før borgerkrigen

De norske immigrantene til Texas mellom 1845 og borgerkrigen kom først og fremst fra noen kommuner i Agder og Hedmark. I Aust-Agder var det ifølge Odd Magnar Syversen 57 personer som emigrerte fra Holt sogn, 42 fra Åmli, 27 fra Tromøy, 25 fra Gjøvdal, 20 fra Tovdal, 19 fra Lillesand, og 18 fra Froland.[1] Det

Norske emigranter til New Orleans og Texas før borgerkrigen Read more...

Hvordan havnet immigranter fra Hedmark i øst-Texas?

I 1837 begynte skipsreder Lauritz Christian Stephansen med linjefart med seilskip over Atlanteren til Amerika. Han etablerte en direkterute mellom Bordeaux og New Orleans. Skipene fraktet tekstiler, vin og andre luksusvarer til Amerika. På tilbaketuren var skipene som regel fullastet med bomull. Rederen visste at mange utvandrere fra Agder hadde reist til Le Havre og

Hvordan havnet immigranter fra Hedmark i øst-Texas?

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